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Offshoring Report

The Offshoring Analysis Cost-Saving Report helps businesses reduce labor costs by analyzing their employee and contractor rosters to identify roles suitable for nearshoring. This free report determines which positions can be relocated to lower-cost regions while maintaining operational efficiency.

The report evaluates each role based on skill requirements, remote capability, and cost-effectiveness, showing how transitioning specific roles can keep productivity high while cutting labor expenses. It provides detailed insights into potential savings, helping you optimize your workforce and improve profitability.

What to Upload: A Document Of Jobs Title, Salary, and Job Description Of Any Positions You Might Want To Offshore
Upload Instructions

Please upload files in one of the supported formats below. If your file is not in one of these formats, convert it to plain text (.txt) or JSON (.json) before uploading.

Supported Formats:

  • Text: .txt, .json, .html, .md, .css, .js, .php, .py, .rb, .c, .cpp, .cs, .go, .java, .sh, .tex, .ts

  • Documents: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .pptx

For unsupported file types (e.g., .xls, .zip), convert to .txt or .json.

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